What’s in the tubs?

Recognize this picture?  My back-to-school teacher tubs are running over.  After sharing pictures of them last week, I have been emailed and messaged about 100 times.  “What’s in the tubs”, you ask?   I didn’t know so many people would love them as much as I do.    I took a few minutes before leaving work today to take a few pictures of the contents of the tubs.  They are not complete but I have the majority of the items in them.  I’m still working on placing students in classes and finishing up schedules. 
The top sheet in the box is the teacher class schedule for their door.  I create it and laminate it for them.  All they need to do is hang it outside their door for other staff and parents to see.  I require this because when I’m doing walk-throughs each week I like to see what subject I will be observing when I enter the room.   The clipart is from Bees Knees designs shop on Etsy.
 The Teacher binder is packed full of resources for the teachers.  If you like it, you can download a copy of it, here.

 Every tub has two different folders for each student in the class.  One folder is a Monday folder and the other is a daily homework folder.  The campus sends home a folder once a week with all the assignments completed from the previous week.  The daily homework folder goes home daily and is used to keep up with homework and a reading and behavior log.

The large stack of manila envelopes help the teachers have all the forms ready and in a nice envelope for parents at Open House or Meet-the-Teacher Night.  Parents come in the room and pick up the envelope and meet the teacher.  On the first day of school, the student returns the information back to the teacher.  No fussing over filling out tons of forms at school. 

Have you heard of No Excuses University? If not, you can learn more about it from a previous post I wrote earlier this month.  The first picture you see goes with a bulletin board to go with our No Excuses movement.  Each teacher will give words of advice to our elementary students and the teacher will also show what college they attended. 

The small index cards are provided by the district for parent information.  These get completed by the parent and the cards stay in the office. 

Teachers tutor during the school day and the information is kept on a log.  I have two recesses built in the day.  The first recess is during lunch.  As soon as students are finished eating they can play outside on the playground.  They usually get about 15 minutes of playtime.  That all depends on how fast they eat.  The second recess is about 30 minutes.  This is when tutoring takes place.  I created a two recess schedule so everyone gets to play.  Play is important.

 We keep up with our professional development throughout the year on a form.  This gets turned in to the office at the end of the year. 

Teachers carry the “teacher binder” around to all meetings and I have a section for meeting notes.  I do not print it in color since they will use so many pages of it.  Color ink is too expensive.

Calendar…I am a calendar freak.  I work best when things are scheduled but I know in reality that never happens.

Teachers are given a class roster and data pages prior to school starting.  The information is very valuable and tells the teacher all about the student.  The more information I can give teachers at the beginning of the year about their students is better.  I don’t want to waste instructional time.  For example, teachers will know if their student is in Gifted and Talented, special education, speech, Section 504, dyslexic, needs intervention, state assessment information, Limited English, behavior concerns, health issues, etc…

The pink sheet is an emergency plan.  It’s a short cheat sheet that teachers hang in their room and know what to do in a drill or in an actual emergency. 

Each teacher also gets a class set of school supply lists.  In case parents did not purchase the supplies, the teachers have the list ready to hand to the parent.

Sign in sheet for parents visiting the rooms and a log for how students get home from school are also included.

In progress….  Staff development, Campus Newsletter, Student Placement and Campus Improvement Plan.  Please say a prayer for me that I get this all done this week!   Here’s a look at a start of it. 

Ideas or suggestions on how it is going?  I love feedback.

Picture of Stephanie McConnell

Stephanie McConnell

I’m Stephanie, and I’m the face behind Principal Principles. I’m a former principal turned educational consultant, presenter, and edupreneur. I’m obsessed with giving school leaders the tools they need to lead a successful school.

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Hi, I'm Stephanie

Hello friend! Welcome to Principal Principles. I’m Stephanie, and I’m the face behind Principal Principles. I’m a former principal turned educational consultant, presenter, and edupreneur. I’m obsessed with giving school leaders the tools they need to lead a successful school.


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